Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Precious Cargo

Ah, the vinyl collection.

How many copies of Billy Joel's Turnstiles can you spot in this photo? 

Believe it or not this is the last bit of stuff to pack and possibly Jason's most prized possession. I am certain that he will buckle these babies in when he delivers them to the new house.

Music is without a doubt what brought us together. We met in 2004 when Jason got a job working with me at Laser's Edge, the now closed music store in downtown Homewood and we bonded over The Zombies masterpiece, Odyssey and Oracle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmuswTEGF-U

We continue to measure out the meaning of life through song lyrics and while I accuse him of only listening to "Dad Rock" and he cringes when I play anything by Tegan and Sara, it is a guilt-free fact that we are both massive and unabashed Indigo Girls fans.

Looking forward to many dance parties in the new house.

Happy listening!



  1. Chris and I also bonded over Odyssey and Oracle when we first started dating. :D
