Monday, March 18, 2013

Welcome to my new blog!

As of March 15, 2013, my husband Jason and I are proud first time home owners of the charming little house above located in Eastlake (East Birmingham) minutes from Ruffner Mountain Nature Preserve and part of an ever growing neighborhood filled with creative spirits. Move in day is April 1st (don't worry, the irony is not lost on us) and I have decided to chronicle our triumphs, mishaps and learning curves here. 

I hope you will join me or look in from time to time on this exciting adventure.

Please stay tuned...



  1. having been the "owner" of two abodes now, I can tell y'all to buckle up ... but, then again, I am sure y'all already know this!!
    still, congratations are in order!!! so happy for you, my friend!!!
